Are You a Headache or Chronic Migraine Sufferer?
Headaches are one of the most common conditions experienced by Australians. Many people consider them to be a normal part of life. Headache and migraine symptoms can interfere with day-to-day activities significantly, so prompt pain relief and improvement are typically top priority. This often means reaching for over-the-counter painkillers to mask the symptoms to move on with the day. However, ongoing reliance on these medications can be detrimental to our health in other ways. So, what are your options?
A multitude of factors can cause headaches and migraines. At The Whole Body Clinic, we work to identify the root cause of your symptoms, allowing us to implement a personalised headache and migraine treatment plan. Our goal is to provide longer-term management and relief of your symptoms.
Types Of Headaches And Migraines
How your headaches or migraines present can differ. Understanding your symptoms can help us to develop and deliver effective treatment for you. Some of the headache types we commonly treat are:
Cervicogenic Headaches
This involves mild to moderate symptoms that typically include pain at the base of your skull, which may spread to the top of your head or your forehead. These types of headaches may be caused by poor posture while sleeping or after a long time in an awkward position, which can lead to joint inflammation in the neck.
Tension Headaches
These are a common and mild type that may be caused by poor posture, increased stress, fatigue, and jaw clenching. Tension-type headaches commonly present as a vice-like pressure around your head and are usually worse at the end of the day.
Cluster Headaches
This type can be severe and typically occurs as clusters or as a cyclic issue. Symptoms may involve features such as one-sided head pain and nasal congestion.
Migraine Headaches And Chronic Migraines
Migraines can present in many different ways. Pain can be felt in various areas but is typically felt on one side of the head. They generally last between 4-72 hours and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound, or vision changes, such as an aura.
Possible Headache and Chronic Migraine Factors
Your headaches or migraines may be due to a variety of causes. Often, they result from a combination of factors. Some common reasons and triggers include:
Physical Attributes
Issues such as poor posture, physical strain, injuries, and muscle tension can contribute.
Factors such as bright or flashing lights, strong smells, loud noises, temperature changes, and certain weather factors can bring on headaches and migraines.
Tension caused by factors such as emotional and work stress can be significant factors. Quick changes in emotions or stimulation may also be influential.
Poor Sleep
If you have disturbed sleep or do not get enough, headaches or migraines may result.
Changes to hormones can trigger symptoms, especially for women.
Certain foods and drinks may be triggers for some people. This may include things like alcohol, processed meat, apples, and caffeine.
Health Status
Underlying medical conditions or neurological issues may be factors, as can certain medications.
Family History
Research indicates that there can be a genetic link involved, particularly with migraines.
What causes your symptoms may vary, and can differ from person to person. Noting down possible triggers and resulting symptoms may be beneficial in identifying relevant factors and developing tailored treatment plans.
Headache And Migraine Frequently Asked Questions
Why Choose The Whole Body Clinic For Osteopathic Treatment?
Various treatment options exist for headaches and migraines. What works for one person may differ from another's successful treatment. Treatment may range from stress management techniques, dietary changes, posture correction, manual therapy, dry needling, or medication. It may be beneficial to consult a doctor for diagnosis and to rule out issues that may need specific treatment.
Our osteopaths in Brisbane are highly skilled practitioners who will determine what type of headache you are suffering and what may be underlying factors or triggers. Once these are established, we will create a personalised headache or chronic migraine treatment plan and discuss with you your options.
We utilise a range Osteopathic techniques such as soft tissue massage, stretching, joint mobilisation, and articulation that may help to relax tense muscles and tissues. We may also aim to correct the position of joints or improve joint mobility through the neck, particularly the upper neck and at the base of your skull. Proper diagnosis, treatment, and education may help you resolve or manage the symptoms in the short and long term.
Visit us For Your Headaches or Migraines
We can support you with the migraine and headache symptoms you may suffer from, no matter the severity or frequency. With natural and holistic treatments based on research and experience, we can help you work towards minimising medication use and return to a life with less pain and the many symptoms you may be experiencing. To learn more about our service options and to organise an appointment, please contact our friendly team.