How Physiotherapy Can Help With Incontinence

Physiotherapy For Incontinence

When we talk about continence, we are referring to being able to maintain control over our bladders and bowels. Incontinence, which involves the involuntary release of urine, wind, or faeces, is more common than you may think. In fact, millions of Australians live with it. And sadly, most do not seek treatment. There are different…

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How Often Should You See An Osteopath?


Osteopathy focuses on the bread and butter of the human body. The tissues, ligaments, muscles, joints, and bones. The bits without which we would have a lot of trouble getting around day to day. Osteopathy zones in on these areas and links them with how they are impacting, or being impacted by, other aspects of…

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A Guide To Improving Posture With Physiotherapy

Improving Posture With Physiotherapy

How often do you stop and consider how you are holding your body? Have a think about it right now. Are you slouching? Are you bent over your computer screen? Is your neck or back aching? It’s easy to forget how fundamental good posture is to leading a productive, healthy and comfortable life. When our…

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