
headaches brisbane

Help For My Headaches

By Jeremy | November 23, 2019

Headaches are common and can commonly be helped with these self-treatment ideas


A Runner’s Curse

By Mark | October 22, 2019

ITB Friction Syndrome can stop you in your tracks

foam roller mistakes

Just Keep Rolling

By Jeremy | September 10, 2019

3 Common mistakes made when foam rolling


A Pain In The Ribs

By Mark | August 25, 2019

Sharp pain in your back? It could be a rib sprain

osteopathy brisbane

Osteo, Chiro Or Physio

By Mark | July 23, 2019

With so many Manual Therapy choices out there, how do you decide which one is for you when you throw your back or neck out? Or when you sprain your knee playing kick to kick with the kids? I would like to shed some light on the main three that get compared to each other,…

osteopathy clinic brisbane

What A Shock!

By Mark | July 17, 2019

Shockwave Therapy is great for your chronic shoulder, hip, ankle pain and plantar fasciitis


Life’s All About Balance

By Mark | June 27, 2019

Some simple ways to improve your proprioception and keep you on your feet