How Can a Physio Help With Neck Pain?

Your neck pain might be sudden and short-lasting, a constant nagging discomfort, or excruciating pain that seems to consume your day. No matter what you’re dealing with, neck pain certainly has the ability to disrupt your daily routine and affect your quality of life. Whether it stems from poor posture, an injury, or an underlying…

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How Can You Avoid Text Neck?

How to avoid tech neck

Human necks aren’t designed to carry the weight of the head bent over for extended periods of time. However, in our modern era, most of us spend hours each day hunched over screens texting, working, scrolling endlessly on Instagram, and watching questionable YouTube videos. In the not-too-distant past, we engaged in more face-to-face communication, took…

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Can Physiotherapy Help With Neck Pain?

Can physiotherapy help with neck pain

Neck pain is a common concern that can affect people of all ages. There are many reasons people may develop neck pain, ranging from sleeping in an odd position to more serious causes such as arthritis. However, neck pain doesn’t need to be a permanent fixture in your life. The approach you take to your…

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