How Can a Physio Help With Neck Pain?

Your neck pain might be sudden and short-lasting, a constant nagging discomfort, or excruciating pain that seems to consume your day. No matter what you’re dealing with, neck pain certainly has the ability to disrupt your daily routine and affect your quality of life.

Whether it stems from poor posture, an injury, or an underlying medical condition, neck pain may have a far-reaching impact on your overall well-being. What’s more, the effects of neck pain may go beyond localised discomfort. The issue may trigger others throughout the body, such as headaches, numbness in the fingers, disturbed sleep, and reduced mobility and functionality. The good news is physiotherapists are trained and experienced in providing care that aim to improve your neck pain.

This article explores the common causes and how our physios at Whole Body Clinic aim to help with neck pain by using a range of techniques and exercises to restore strength, flexibility, comfort, and function.

Types of Neck Pain

The neck is a complex area consisting of an elaborate network of nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. This allows for movement, including rotation, flexion, and extension, and to enable it to hold the weight of the head. Because it does a lot for us, it can be subject to discomfort and stiffness, which may also impact other body areas. Likewise, issues elsewhere in the body may affect the neck.

Some types and reasons for neck pain include the following:

1. Muscle Strain

Poor posture, overuse, or uncontrolled movements may result in one of the most common causes of neck pain, which is muscle strain. This may lead to stiffness, reduced mobility, and discomfort.

2. Cervical Spondylosis

The discs and joints in the cervical area of the spine tend to deteriorate with age, and this may lead to an issue known as cervical spondylosis. This condition often causes chronic neck pain, as well as radiating discomfort in the shoulders and arms.

3. Whiplash

Whiplash is typically caused by an abrupt movement that shifts the neck into an unnatural position. This is often caused by a sudden impact like a car accident and may lead to injury to ligaments and muscles.

4. Herniated or Bulging Disc

When a disc in the cervical spine bulges or ruptures, it may press on nearby nerves, resulting in symptoms in the neck that may extend to the arms and hands.

5. Poor Posture

In our modern era, most of us spend extensive periods of time hunched over screens or desks, which tends to strain, weaken, or tighten the neck muscles and disrupt the natural curvature of the spine.

6. Degenerative Conditions

There are a variety of medical conditions, like osteoarthritis, that may lead to the gradual breakdown of cartilage and bone in the neck and cervical spine.

7. Disease

Conditions such as some cancers or meningitis can involve neck pain as a symptom.

8. Repetitive Movements

Repetitive actions, such as constantly lifting or turning your head, may strain the neck muscles and result in pain, even if performed correctly.

9. Issues in other areas of the body

Neck pain may be a result of issues elsewhere in the body, such as uneven hips, weak ankles, and overtraining of the upper traps, because of compensatory movements or referred pain.

Risk Factors for Neck Pain

Neck pain can affect people of all ages and lifestyles, but certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of experiencing an issue. Being aware of these may help you take steps to prevent or manage neck pain.

Risk factors may include the following:

  • Age.
  • Weak or tight muscles.
  • Jobs or hobbies that involve repetitive movements.
  • Poor posture.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Being female.
  • Smoking.
  • Stress.

What Can A Physio Do For Neck Pain?

Our physios are experienced with treating neck pain and will use relevant, evidence-based methods aimed towards improving your neck pain, depending on the cause and severity. We will provide a thorough assessment to understand the issue and look for underlying factors. We will then develop a personalised plan that will incorporate techniques and resources such as:

  • Joint mobilisation.
  • Massage.
  • Exercise prescription.
  • Stretching.
  • Ultrasound therapy.
  • Dry needling.
  • Custom orthotics.
  • Education.
  • Lifestyle advice.

Whole Body Clinic For Your Neck Pain

Neck pain may be significantly difficult to deal with as it not only tends to cause discomfort but may reduce mobility and functionality. There are many reasons why you may be experiencing neck pain, and professional assistance may make a notable difference. When you are looking to improve or prevent neck pain, please contact us to organise a consultation with one of our skilled physiotherapists and we will carry out a thorough assessment and develop a tailor-made treatment plan for you.