How We Can Help With Fertility and Women’s Health Conditions

At The Whole Body Clinic, we offer a range of treatment options, through osteopathy, physiotherapy and acupuncture to support women’s health conditions, including fertility, pregnancy and post natal care and incontinence.
Acupuncture is a safe, drug-free alternative for many health conditions. It has been used for 4000 years to help women with fertility, pregnancy, birthing, menstrual and gynaecological disorders, menopause and more. Acupuncture works so well because it rebalances the body, which plays a large role in fertility, normal organ function, hormone regulation and pain management.
Since 2008 acupuncture has been well accepted by fertility clinics to support reproductive technologies such as IVF and egg donor cycles. High quality research shows acupuncture can improve IVF implantation rates by 68% if received on the day of embryo transfer.
Many acupuncture points are still safe to use during pregnancy to treat side effects such as morning sickness. Acupuncture can also be used for labour induction, turn baby out of breach position and post-natal concerns such as post-natal depression and incontinence.
Physiotherapy can be used during and after pregnancy to address several women’s health conditions including pelvic girdle pain, rectus diastasis (abdominal muscle separation), weak pelvic floor muscles, incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
After childbirth and later in life, many women experience urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence can be Stress Incontinence (leaking urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh), Urge Incontinence (eg: leaking urine when rush to the toilet and can’t make it in time) or Mixed Incontinence (symptoms of both).
So which treatment is right for you? After talking about your concerns, a treatment plan will be individually tailored which may include acupuncture or physiotherapy or a combination of the two for the best outcome for you.