What is a Migraine?
Migraines are a form of headache with specific symptoms that can interfere with life significantly. They typically develop with nerve fibre activation that is linked to the blood vessels within the protective layers of the brain. Migraines are a fairly common issue and can affect most people.
Your migraines may be short or may extend over days. They can create symptoms not only during the attack but also afterwards. Subsequently, migraines can be detrimental to your health, overall well-being, and daily commitments.
Migraines can interfere with your life in various ways. Find out what a migraine is and how our team may help you.

Symptoms of Migraines
The symptoms that are involved in migraines can differ from person to person, and from migraine to migraine for each person. One reasonably consistent symptom is moderate to severe pain that is often described as pulsating or throbbing. This pain generally remains on one side of the head. Other symptoms that you may experience with a migraine include light, noise, and smell sensitivity, and nausea and vomiting.
Many people also get an aura, which is a visual or auditory disturbance, and this often is present before the pain begins. Some people may also feel pins and needles in their arms or legs, have speech difficulties, or experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in the lead-up to the attack. Some people experience subtle symptoms in the day or two before the migraine, such as neck stiffness, mood changes, constipation, and food cravings. Most people experience some migraine ‘hangover’ symptoms, such as fatigue, confusion, tenderness, nausea, or hunger.
Causes of Migraines
The cause of migraines is not currently understood in its entirety. Studies indicate that there may be a genetic factor, meaning that other people in your family may experience migraines. Children and adults can develop them, but women are more likely to have migraines. Some people have other health issues or injuries that may contribute.
Migraines are often triggered by one or more factors. This can differ for each migraine sufferer, and some people have more than one trigger that can set off different attacks.
Some migraine triggers include:
- Certain foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, and chocolate.
- Hormonal changes, such as those related to the menstruation cycle.
- Strong emotions.
- Stress and anxiety.
- Sudden changes in emotions.
- Not eating enough.
- Insufficient sleep.
- Overwhelming smells.
- Bright lights.
- Loud environments.
Treatment Options For Migraines
People who suffer from migraines often find different methods that may help relieve the symptoms. This can involve self-care steps, preventative measures, and professional healthcare.
At-Home Care For Migraine Symptoms
Some techniques that may help you during a migraine attack include:
- Keeping a cool or moist cloth or ice pack on your forehead and/or behind your neck.
- Adequate fluid intake.
- Rest or sleep.
- Being in a dark, quiet room.
- Certain prescribed or over-the-counter medications.
Preventative Measures for Migraines
Preventative steps can often be beneficial for many people. Some methods that may help you, depending on your symptoms and underlying factors, include:
- Avoiding or limiting your triggers.
- Exercising regularly.
- Eating well.
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Taking recommended supplements for diagnosed nutrient deficiencies.
- Relaxation methods, such as meditation, gentle walking, and yoga.
- Hormone management.
- Preventative medications.
Osteopathy And Physiotherapy Treatment For Migraines
Many people find physical therapy helps to prevent or reduce their migraines. This may be due to underlying factors such as neck and upper back stiffness and pain, stress, postural changes, and joint misalignment.
At the Whole Body Clinic, we can provide a range of techniques depending on your symptoms and contributing factors. These may include options such as:
- Acupuncture.
- Massage therapy.
- Joint mobilisation.
- Stretching.
- Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF).
- Dry needling.
- Shockwave therapy.
- Electrotherapy.
- Education.
- Lifestyle advice.
Holistic Care For Migraines at Whole Body Clinic
Living with migraines can be difficult and frustrating. By seeking support from trained professionals, it may be possible to see improvement in the frequency or severity of your migraines. Our team is highly experienced in treating and preventing migraines by identifying contributing factors and developing and delivering a personalised care plan.
If you are experiencing regular or occasional migraines, please make an appointment for your initial consultation and find out how we can help you.